October 25, 2022

E69: Skalloween

Interview with Matt Munoz from Bakersfield's Mento Buru band. We discuss Mento Buru's 2021 EP Skalloween. Featured on this EP are two Halloween songs with Bakersfield roots-Buck Owen's "Monster's Holiday" and Ronnie Cook's "G...

Interview with Matt Munoz from Bakersfield's Mento Buru band. We discuss Mento Buru's 2021 EP Skalloween. Featured on this EP are two Halloween songs with Bakersfield roots-Buck Owen's "Monster's Holiday" and Ronnie Cook's "Goo Goo Muck".

Purchase the Notorious Bakersfield Halloween Tour here: https://halloween2022.supercast.com/

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Email: notoriousbakersfield@gmail.com

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